Rank | 268262 / 333750 |
Number of games | 9 |
Best game | 36.75 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
27.44 |
Old speed average of the first games |
27.44 |
All time speed | 27.44 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
84.63% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
84.63% |
D.H. Lawrence | 36.75 | 94.2% | 1 day, 20 hours ago |
John Cleese | 31.81 | 90.8% | 1 day, 20 hours ago |
Madeline Miller | 27.31 | 87.4% | 1 day, 20 hours ago |
Anonymous | 34.72 | 92.0% | 1 day, 20 hours ago |
Ariana Grande | 35.71 | 97.3% | 1 day, 20 hours ago |
David Levithan | 30.67 | 90.0% | 1 day, 20 hours ago |
Emily Bronte | 0.00 | 31.4% | 1 day, 20 hours ago |
John Gilbert | 30.47 | 95.9% | 1 day, 20 hours ago |
Ferdinand E. Marcos, Sr. | 19.52 | 82.8% | 1 day, 20 hours ago |