Rank | 205059 / 333661 |
Number of games | 10 |
Best game | 44.40 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
37.29 |
Old speed average of the first games |
37.29 |
All time speed | 37.29 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
94.01% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
94.01% |
P.G. Wodehouse | 33.88 | 93.3% | 10 years ago |
- Unknown | 17.06 | 86.9% | 10 years ago |
Henry Rollins | 44.40 | 98.1% | 10 years ago |
Soren Kierkegaard | 38.67 | 98.3% | 10 years ago |
Hugo Black | 34.18 | 94.9% | 10 years ago |
Umberto Eco | 39.71 | 94.1% | 10 years ago |
Deb Wasserbach | 38.21 | 91.9% | 10 years ago |
Dallas Sykes Kelloms | 40.22 | 92.9% | 10 years ago |
George Orwell | 43.87 | 95.8% | 10 years ago |
Andrew Hussie | 42.68 | 94.0% | 10 years ago |