Rank | 57295 / 333649 |
Number of games | 812 |
Best game | 91.74 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
66.22 |
Old speed average of the first games |
63.61 |
All time speed | 68.41 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
91.38% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
94.68% |
Hugh Grant as "David" | 66.13 | 92.6% | 5 years ago |
P. G Wodehouse | 66.16 | 90.5% | 5 years ago |
u/primalmeme | 69.93 | 91.1% | 5 years ago |
M. M. Kaye | 64.44 | 90.4% | 5 years ago |
Batul Baiwala | 66.61 | 92.4% | 5 years ago |
Bruce Lee | 65.12 | 92.7% | 5 years ago |
Rachel Johnson | 77.44 | 95.3% | 5 years ago |
Bruce Lee | 58.50 | 91.0% | 5 years ago |
Albert Einstein | 57.71 | 85.1% | 5 years ago |
Ernest Hemingway | 70.18 | 92.6% | 5 years ago |