Rank | 141660 / 333277 |
Number of games | 128 |
Best game | 63.16 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
47.08 |
Old speed average of the first games |
43.64 |
All time speed | 46.35 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
90.76% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
94.12% |
José D. Fort | 38.61 | 85.9% | 5 years ago |
Escritor Aburrido | 49.74 | 92.1% | 5 years ago |
Grey's Anatomy | 41.52 | 89.6% | 5 years ago |
Paulo Coelho | 50.43 | 92.9% | 5 years ago |
Un paseo para recordar | 54.90 | 94.9% | 5 years ago |
Desmotivaciones | 51.12 | 90.5% | 5 years ago |
J.D. (John Dorian) | 44.24 | 86.8% | 5 years ago |
Viktor Frankl | 56.20 | 94% | 5 years ago |
Antonio Machado | 45.54 | 94.8% | 5 years ago |
Anónimo | 38.52 | 86.2% | 5 years ago |