Rank | 60662 / 333642 |
Number of games | 21 |
Best game | 77.21 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
65.11 |
Old speed average of the first games |
65.59 |
All time speed | 65.06 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
95.49% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
96.29% |
Karl Popper | 71.60 | 96.8% | 12 years ago |
Giacomo Leopardi | 65.13 | 95.9% | 12 years ago |
Muriel Barbery | 61.48 | 93.6% | 12 years ago |
Albert Einstein | 67.33 | 96.8% | 12 years ago |
Daniella Carmi | 71.50 | 97.2% | 12 years ago |
Howard Phillips Lovecraft | 59.65 | 93.5% | 12 years ago |
George Orwell | 67.24 | 95.9% | 12 years ago |
Henry van Dyke | 60.62 | 93.7% | 12 years ago |
Roy Batty | 63.05 | 95.6% | 12 years ago |
Giuseppe Griillo | 63.49 | 95.9% | 12 years ago |