Rank | 119352 / 333797 |
Number of games | 12 |
Best game | 60.75 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
51.16 |
Old speed average of the first games |
48.92 |
All time speed | 49.29 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
97.94% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
97.53% |
Johnny Cash | 49.89 | 96.9% | 12 years ago |
unknown | 52.40 | 98.1% | 12 years ago |
Brian Finch | 50.28 | 97.7% | 12 years ago |
Wheatly | 43.18 | 97.4% | 12 years ago |
Martin Luther King | 60.75 | 97.1% | 12 years ago |
Tony Giang | 52.39 | 98.9% | 12 years ago |
Mary Chase | 39.50 | 97.3% | 12 years ago |
Manalan | 59.30 | 100% | 12 years ago |
Jose Rizal | 57.91 | 99.4% | 12 years ago |
Sydney J. Harris | 45.97 | 96.4% | 12 years ago |