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Trend over 2470 games.
Rank 3313 / 333683
Number of games 2470
Best game 130.06
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All time speed 108.14
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The speed is expressed in WPM (Words Per Minute).
The accuracy indicates how precise you are during the typing test. 100% means 0 errors.


sanguinius 7 years, 9 months ago
My tip to improve your typing speed is to...type faster
meziepie 8 years ago
@sanguinius - I am sorry you mistakenly thought my quote was racist. How you thought that I have no concept. The quote is from the beginning of a American Childrens novel. The crow is called Blacky because shocker crows are black. It has absolutely nothing to do with racism. I am quite offended and upset and angry that you think that. By thinking that all you are doing is showing your own ignorance for the subject matter. If you knew me as a person you would know that I am not a racist person. (The only time I myself have experienced racism was when I was living for a short time in America) I used many classic novels to make up typing quotes. I did not know Thornton W. Burgess before making quotes from his novels. Have you read his novels and have found a racist source in them? I myself have not as they tend to be stories about animals. He himself (TWB)was a fan of Beatrix Potter.
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