Rank | 3826 / 333677 |
Number of games | 35010 |
Best game | 182.76 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
110.46 |
Old speed average of the first games |
99.69 |
All time speed | 111.55 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
95.57% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
94.29% |
Sarah Dessen | 111.29 | 95.2% | 7 months, 2 weeks ago |
William Shakespeare | 104.09 | 95.7% | 7 months, 2 weeks ago |
Douglas Adams | 110.06 | 94.4% | 7 months, 2 weeks ago |
Anonymous | 118.58 | 98.6% | 7 months, 2 weeks ago |
Andrew Yang | 116.99 | 98.7% | 7 months, 2 weeks ago |
Roger Ebert | 92.54 | 92.8% | 7 months, 2 weeks ago |
Thomas Paine | 117.26 | 95.8% | 7 months, 2 weeks ago |
Anonymous | 109.54 | 95.9% | 7 months, 2 weeks ago |
ScykesForza | 118.54 | 95.1% | 7 months, 2 weeks ago |
E. B. White and William I. Strunk | 105.75 | 93.5% | 7 months, 2 weeks ago |