Rank | 35117 / 333649 |
Number of games | 30 |
Best game | 91.44 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
75.00 |
Old speed average of the first games |
74.55 |
All time speed | 72.44 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
97.78% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
97.76% |
Hermann Hesse | 75.03 | 98.3% | 12 years ago |
Blaise Pascal | 67.58 | 96.9% | 12 years ago |
Salvador Dalì | 84.39 | 99.5% | 12 years ago |
Philip K. Dick | 91.44 | 98.9% | 12 years ago |
Hermann Hesse | 70.50 | 98.3% | 12 years ago |
Jerrie Preston Oughton | 79.65 | 97.9% | 12 years ago |
David Eggers | 77.14 | 98.4% | 12 years ago |
John Keating | 70.94 | 97.7% | 12 years ago |
Giuseppe Tornatore | 68.41 | 96.4% | 12 years ago |
Louis Even | 64.88 | 95.5% | 12 years ago |