Rank | 4091 / 333669 |
Number of games | 26 |
Best game | 138.40 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
109.29 |
Old speed average of the first games |
104.43 |
All time speed | 108.26 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
94.07% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
93.85% |
Stephen King | 87.50 | 91.9% | 9 years ago |
Marie Lu | 109.01 | 90.0% | 9 years ago |
Penn Jillette | 112.10 | 90.3% | 9 years ago |
Voltaire | 96.42 | 93.9% | 9 years ago |
Steven Moffat | 114.70 | 94.7% | 9 years ago |
Ayn Rand | 122.87 | 98.8% | 9 years ago |
whimsicality15 | 129.95 | 99.4% | 9 years ago |
James Joyce | 92.43 | 88.4% | 9 years ago |
Anthony Trollope | 113.01 | 96.4% | 9 years ago |
John Lennon | 114.90 | 96.9% | 9 years ago |