Rank | 296541 / 333638 |
Number of games | 45 |
Best game | 32.26 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
23.36 |
Old speed average of the first games |
23.75 |
All time speed | 24.61 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
84.69% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
90.25% |
Anonymous | 26.49 | 95.5% | 8 years ago |
Helen Keller | 27.27 | 90.6% | 8 years ago |
The Incomparable Amy Poehler | 19.87 | 65.4% | 8 years ago |
George Washington | 23.61 | 83.6% | 8 years ago |
V for Vendetta | 27.68 | 88.9% | 8 years ago |
AKRAM MIQDADI | 26.42 | 87.3% | 8 years ago |
Charles Baudelaire | 15.29 | 61.0% | 8 years ago |
Albert Einstein | 23.07 | 89.9% | 8 years ago |
Kim Stanley Robinson | 24.32 | 93.6% | 8 years ago |
Cat Styles | 19.56 | 91.0% | 8 years ago |