Rank | 56193 / 333632 |
Number of games | 2410 |
Best game | 108.06 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
66.60 |
Old speed average of the first games |
57.50 |
All time speed | 69.91 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
90.10% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
93.56% |
Ellen Bass | 69.38 | 91.8% | 3 weeks ago |
Demothesis | 86.11 | 97.5% | 3 weeks ago |
Veronica Roth | 83.34 | 94.9% | 3 weeks ago |
Ernest Rutherford | 83.95 | 95.0% | 3 weeks ago |
Kurzgesagt | 41.90 | 79.7% | 1 year, 1 month ago |
Greg Himblebottom | 9.91 | 71.0% | 1 year, 1 month ago |
Suzanne Collins | 66.96 | 92.6% | 1 year, 1 month ago |
Grainger, Stevenson, Chang | 75.41 | 91.6% | 1 year, 1 month ago |
Rupi Kaur | 67.98 | 91.1% | 1 year, 1 month ago |
Joseph Fink | 81.02 | 96% | 1 year, 1 month ago |
The trend line on my graph tells a story. I started with bad habits (right index spacebar) and got pretty fast. From 50 > 70 WPM with heights of 100wpm on other 1 min tests. Then I recalibrated my striking pattern to use my left thumb on spacebar and that was the first dip. I got back to nearly 70 wpm average. The next dip was when I recalibrated again, to have a right thumb spacebar, and overall update my striking pattern to be true to the home row method. And overcome bad habits from index spacebar striking days (like using right middle for U). Now I have good typing form at ~70 wpm average, and I'm hoping to reach a consistent 80+ wpm with accuracy >97.5% here. Side goals on Monkeytype are: 1) 80wpm - english 5k 100 words 2) 100wpm - english 60 seconds |
Last login | 3 weeks ago |
Date joined | 3 years, 9 months ago |
Keyboard / Laptop | N/A |
Keyboard mapping | QWERTY |
Computer usage | 4-8 hours / day |
Quotes | 1 |