Rank | 24089 / 333648 |
Number of games | 68 |
Best game | 94.34 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
81.26 |
Old speed average of the first games |
68.21 |
All time speed | 75.27 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
94.02% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
89.60% |
Nepoznato | 81.15 | 94.9% | 8 years ago |
L. N. Tolstoj | 89.29 | 95.2% | 8 years ago |
Slaviša Pavlović | 89.73 | 95.0% | 8 years ago |
Nelson Mandela | 88.48 | 92.5% | 8 years ago |
John Boyne | 80.01 | 95.6% | 8 years ago |
Harsha Bhogle | 74.92 | 94.5% | 8 years ago |
Kyle Ryan | 81.78 | 94.9% | 8 years ago |
J.K. Rowling | 66.29 | 89.5% | 8 years ago |
Sean Bruce | 74.65 | 91.4% | 8 years ago |
Rowan Atkinson | 86.25 | 96.8% | 8 years ago |