Rank | 15589 / 333736 |
Number of games | 10 |
Best game | 104.96 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
88.21 |
Old speed average of the first games |
88.21 |
All time speed | 88.21 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
95.64% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
95.64% |
Einstein | 90.13 | 92.7% | 10 years ago |
C.S. Lewis | 96.37 | 97.0% | 10 years ago |
Julio Cortázar | 79.30 | 90.7% | 10 years ago |
Kortinuos | 94.23 | 98.0% | 10 years ago |
Bernabé Tierno | 91.91 | 94.9% | 10 years ago |
Nelson Mandela | 83.90 | 95.0% | 10 years ago |
Ramón San Miguel Coca | 95.35 | 97.4% | 10 years ago |
K. Foster | 70.58 | 97.5% | 10 years ago |
Leo Buscaglia | 75.39 | 97.0% | 10 years, 1 month ago |
masami kurumada | 104.96 | 96.3% | 10 years, 1 month ago |