Rank | 121183 / 333637 |
Number of games | 7 |
Best game | 71.84 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
53.06 |
Old speed average of the first games |
53.06 |
All time speed | 53.06 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
92.74% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
92.74% |
Washington Irving | 50.83 | 88.8% | 1 day, 7 hours ago |
Janis Joplin | 58.98 | 97.2% | 1 day, 7 hours ago |
From the movie "Gladiator" spoken by Proximo | 45.86 | 87.8% | 1 day, 7 hours ago |
Micheal 'Eyedea' Larsen | 48.03 | 91.4% | 1 day, 7 hours ago |
Link Neal | 71.84 | 99.0% | 1 day, 7 hours ago |
Richard | 53.38 | 95% | 1 day, 7 hours ago |
Kairi (Kingdom Hearts II) | 42.50 | 89.9% | 1 day, 7 hours ago |