Rank | 4070 / 333682 |
Number of games | 12 |
Best game | 127.34 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
109.35 |
Old speed average of the first games |
111.26 |
All time speed | 109.09 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
97.84% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
97.68% |
Dalai Lama | 96.54 | 98.7% | 8 years ago |
Norton Juster | 99.98 | 98.0% | 8 years ago |
Andrew Schneider | 87.45 | 92.0% | 8 years ago |
Stanislas | 97.20 | 95.5% | 8 years ago |
Douglas Adams | 127.34 | 98.1% | 8 years ago |
Sheeta (Castle in the Sky) | 126.25 | 98.8% | 8 years ago |
bell hooks | 108.04 | 98.8% | 8 years ago |
Ganondorf | 110.65 | 99.7% | 8 years ago |
Ayn Rand | 116.14 | 99.3% | 8 years ago |
Nicholas Sparks | 123.93 | 99.7% | 8 years ago |