Rank | 34844 / 333677 |
Number of games | 8 |
Best game | 107.22 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
75.13 |
Old speed average of the first games |
75.13 |
All time speed | 75.13 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
83.90% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
83.90% |
Chaos_in_Order | 89.11 | 91.7% | 3 months, 3 weeks ago |
Jeong Jeong the Deserter | 70.90 | 85.4% | 3 months, 3 weeks ago |
Bennett Foddy - Getting Over It | 68.35 | 83.9% | 3 months, 3 weeks ago |
swe bro | 52.25 | 69.3% | 3 months, 3 weeks ago |
Curtis Baldwin | 81.89 | 87.3% | 3 months, 3 weeks ago |
J.K. Rowling | 62.94 | 78.9% | 3 months, 3 weeks ago |
Brenda Shaughnessy | 68.35 | 80.4% | 3 months, 3 weeks ago |
Barack Obama | 107.22 | 94.3% | 3 months, 3 weeks ago |