You folks using these typing tests for a purpose or to diddle away the time you have left?

By gianttoenail99 - updated: 1 year, 7 months ago - 8 messages

You folks have an end/angle for having a high wpm or is it "nice to have" for no particular purpose?
I knew I typed faster than average. At work, I type up daily notes/behavior reports. My coworkers and I will around typing on Microsoft Surfaces at the end of the day.
They've always laughed at how much faster I can type than them - the room will go quiet and it's just the sound of me clicking like a rattlesnake in the corner.

I figured I'd find out what my WPM average is and was pleasantly surprised by the variety of quotes/community on this site. After some fun, I'm at about 80 WPM and its definitely disheartening to find out people have doubled that (180-200 WPM?? like how???) but that's what practice is for! I used to write fanfiction in a journal then type it up for forums when I was younger. Years of forums/video games/college papers/online messaging trained me in typing without me realizing it - being a computer nerd in public school did something good for me there, aside from the cringe!
By greenb - posted: 1 year, 9 months ago

I am trying to improve my accuracy, I'm happy with my speed.
By user102120 - posted: 1 year, 9 months ago

Same here love the fact that it's here #I'mLovingIt!
By leology - posted: 1 year, 8 months ago

this mentality could be applied to literally any hobby. "you folks have an end game for this birdwatching or is it just "nice to have?"

many, like myself, enjoy it. i find it satisfying to type quickly and rewarding to watch my speed improve. others might be K-12 students learning to type for the first time (or adults who never learned!), older students wishing to complete assignments more quickly, aspiring writers/secretaries/stenographers. a fast WPM is a cool skill to add to a resume and sometimes comes in handy :)
By katemi - posted: 1 year, 8 months ago

Is requested in a position where i apply, so i am training in before.
By user297940 - posted: 1 year, 8 months ago

I knew I typed faster than average. At work, I type up daily notes/behavior reports. My coworkers and I will around typing on Microsoft Surfaces at the end of the day.
They've always laughed at how much faster I can type than them - the room will go quiet and it's just the sound of me clicking like a rattlesnake in the corner.

I figured I'd find out what my WPM average is and was pleasantly surprised by the variety of quotes/community on this site. After some fun, I'm at about 80 WPM and its definitely disheartening to find out people have doubled that (180-200 WPM?? like how???) but that's what practice is for! I used to write fanfiction in a journal then type it up for forums when I was younger. Years of forums/video games/college papers/online messaging trained me in typing without me realizing it - being a computer nerd in public school did something good for me there, aside from the cringe!
Updated 1 year, 8 months ago
By mast3rs - posted: 1 year, 7 months ago

I started to use this for school and it helped my typing sooo much than i though it would. Now i do it for fun because first i want to get even better with my accuracy and it just makes time fly by and i'm not waisting time scrolling for hours on TikTok or facebook videos. It's something more productive to do with my time rather than nothing that won't help me in the future. So yes, i do use it for a purpose. :)
By mast3rs - posted: 1 year, 7 months ago

80 WPM is amazing!! im averaging about 40-55 WPM. I really have no idea how it's actually possible to get over 100 WPM. LOL
By kheng - posted: 1 year, 7 months ago

keep practicing, I never thought I can reach 100 WPM 7 years ago when I first started with 50WPM. My friend teaches me to delete whole word if you mistype any of the characters until you can typed it correctly in one go for each word and it helped me so much although you will decrease your speed significantly but that's fine, it's for a better muscle memory and you'll find that your speed increases significantly once you've master the muscle memory for enough number of common words.
Updated 1 year, 7 months ago