Upper Middle Class Struggles - Leilani Commons (ROSEPETAL)

This quote was added by lilcutieleilani
I am a fourteen year old girl who is simply just trying to live and survive in this gargantuan world, despite all of my upper middle class struggles.

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Name WPM Accuracy
lienlinnn 131.08 100%
jan_londen 112.23 96.8%
avattavada 89.93 98.7%
elpatrongarcia 89.11 95.0%
muxedotask 87.52 98.0%
user100406 79.51 96.1%
user97523 78.61 93.1%
bellasmom 78.26 97.4%
slaughtermelon 77.60 99.3%
mechazawa 74.19 98.0%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user105268 52.81 93.1%
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lienlinnn 131.08 100%
typingmaster 65.08 95.5%
user97523 78.61 93.1%
slaughtermelon 77.60 99.3%
bellasmom 78.26 97.4%
muxedotask 87.52 98.0%