Kid Cudi

This quote was added by user8631
Weird itself, even in the dictionary, is just something that is different and unexplainable. A weirdo is someone who follows their heart. I'm definitely weird, ain't nothing wrong with that.

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burkez 12 years, 9 months ago

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
nightdevil 141.30 91.8%
andrbroo1 130.79 99.5%
ilovejujubee 124.23 96.4%
rhonj 122.16 100%
stacey777 120.92 99.5%
chrisjunlee 120.66 98.5%
anne3yp 117.31 98.9%
jlaborde7 117.30 99.5%
strikeemblem 117.22 97.0%

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user105144 58.99 96.0%
adriana-b 66.05 95.5%
shoneywokman 52.82 97.9%