Alien vs. Predator - Rito Ocampo

This quote was added by rito117
I'd rather have something and not need it, than to need something and not have it.

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demoncookie666 6 years ago
Holy, this quote is short.
alexer201 6 years, 2 months ago
Just because a quote's easy to type quickly doesn't mean it's good. All it does is boost your place on a leaderboard, not actually improve your typing ability. If all you care about is seeing your name above other people's, maybe a typing site isn't for you.
skeppy 7 years, 3 months ago
thanks for my new record of 134.76 :)
skeppy 7 years, 3 months ago
thanks for my new record of 134.76 :)
jjp 8 years ago
There are only 67 characters in this quote. How was this quote submitted? When ever I try to submit a quote that is short like this one I receive and error message saying that only quotes with 150 characters or more can be accepted.
zephanin 9 years, 3 months ago
Love this quote, LOL it gave me a new PB in typing. PB WPM and PB Accuracy. 110.38 WPM with 100% Accuracy also gaining me the achievement gold for speed and for accuracy. LOVE IT!!

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iltranscendent 174.72 100%
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d3mn8 157.89 100%
cspenguino 157.69 100%
promethes 157.36 100%
sampleboy 157.26 100%
sammy123k 156.96 96.5%

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user843630 144.28 100%
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maryam1347 67.97 100%
mathera 80.18 100%
eyegotdibbs 61.06 100%