Never channge - -unknown

This quote was added by user53093
Never stop caring about the little things in life Never stop dreaming or give into strife Never stop wondering, are we on our own Never stop thinking has your spirituality grown Never stop hearing the music or give into the blues Never stop pushing away negative thoughts that make you feel sad Never stop looking at the all the miracles we have had Never stop loving the ones you hold dear Never stop giving or give into the fear.

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typin_ 158.87 94.7%
strikeemblem 113.53 95.8%
arravalle 110.94 97.5%
mbqg1234 105.79 93.3%
trishadgk 100.14 92.9%
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user87564 96.16 95.6%
teddy.bear 95.36 97.3%
kicko 94.63 94.7%

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clonedcow 98.98 95.6%
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fabien73 58.14 97.5%
user87564 96.16 95.6%
konata 71.56 92.9%
stevendiao 90.87 94.9%
gwaldrop 94.43 90.7%