truth - brittany

This quote was added by brittanylove
Sometimes you sink, sometimes you swim. You can let yourself sink with the fishes, or you can let yourself rise to the surface, and fly with the birds.

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jiggalee 158.53 98.1%
dcb87 133.56 100%
nathanbyers 132.43 98.7%
strikeemblem 126.93 100%
user80864 113.29 98.1%
prodigy5723 110.94 99.3%
geryjs 109.87 93.8%
jenslysajan 109.12 98.7%
rrapattoni 104.37 100%
user721294 102.90 93.8%

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kait999 73.30 95.6%
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maadj 74.58 92.1%
dcb87 133.56 100%
strikeemblem 126.93 100%
user85179 94.90 96.2%