
This quote was added by wickedwok
Why are you typing this right now? Because you want to improve your typing? Well, let me tell you something; typing random stuff which in most cases are largely poetic to fit into the stereotypical literature fan base can only help you so much. Type something practical such as your homework so you actually get something out of it. Don't sit here like a robot working away on useless jumbos of words.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
typin_ 166.07 97.6%
jgdude 118.72 97.8%
kyle_w 108.05 95.7%
npabs 102.96 94.8%
jackey2baccey 97.45 93.0%
user470790 97.39 99.0%
noobplayer 96.56 97.1%
bkbroiler 93.24 95.5%
user830398 91.22 97.6%

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Name WPM Accuracy
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dristi001 11.24 92.6%
user830398 91.22 97.6%
s1owpoke 59.74 99.0%
kyraa708 64.00 95.0%