Just Listen - Sarah Dessen

This quote was added by soattainable
All I wanted - all I'd ever wanted - was just to get away. To be somewhere small where I could crowd in and feel safe, all four walls pressed around me, no one staring or pointing or yelling.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
user871724 156.60 100%
treemeister 143.75 97.0%
u557051 138.00 100%
user37933 129.28 99.0%
kjcmonster 129.14 100%
jpadtyping 125.07 97.0%
user742395 123.84 99.0%
strikeemblem 122.89 98.5%
jpmerrion 119.56 100%

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gotwood248 79.94 99.0%
strikeemblem 104.95 93.7%
h1nn1h 65.21 94.1%