Abdul Kalam

This quote was added by abu_kutti_ma
We will be remembered only if we give to our younger generation a prosperous and safe India, resulting out of economic prosperity coupled with civilizational heritage.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
blurredsines 149.80 99.4%
u557051 130.21 94.9%
wolfram 129.03 96.0%
strikeemblem 127.94 98.2%
jpadtyping 124.50 97.7%
stormspirit97 122.78 97.1%
user374276 121.29 100%
vmlm 120.83 97.1%
missarkansas 120.71 94.9%

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user108043 40.17 85.9%
izennosweh 24.04 85.3%
iltranscendent 107.71 93.3%