2 Intellectual People - Gage; Estelle's Friend

This quote was added by estelle
"I view the world as a movie I recently missed." This is a quote from one of my associates. He came up with this quote while I was playing a game of monopoly.

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abrahamjoke 10 years, 8 months ago
Misuse of a semicolon and a run on sentence. Other than that I think I like the quote.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
user37933 129.74 100%
bskelley89 120.91 100%
strikeemblem 115.16 93.0%
scribop 114.80 96.3%
jan_londen 113.94 100%
mr_snow 110.86 100%
scottw86 109.69 100%
francisdatiles4 107.48 96.9%
lub094 107.40 100%

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adriana-b 69.63 98.1%
petrolfume 85.26 89.3%
sweenburg007 76.11 92.9%