You Choose - Dr. Seuss

This quote was added by goochylynn
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. Will it be left or will it be right? Whatever your goal, keep it in sight.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 184.46 96.4%
eventlogging 170.00 100%
jpadtyping 154.06 100%
2001or2 151.96 94.8%
willjr08 139.19 100%
robthrasher 137.02 99.5%
user40438 135.14 100%
giorgiyaragondo 132.13 97.3%
thewaxen 132.04 97.3%
lynchrobinson 131.23 100%

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user420192 104.52 96.3%
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gotwood248 88.81 100%
thanyou 109.55 100%
petrolfume 90.89 91.9%
dante-didit 107.78 95.8%
duwang 96.67 98.9%