Putting up with men, Resolution - John Wagner

This quote was added by kookie
Chocolate is a woman's reward for putting up with men. Unfortunately, I wouldn't want to underestimate men if that's at all possible. You can't be too hard on them, although they deserve whatever they get!

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
strikeemblem 110.97 96.2%
kdnd 99.14 98.0%
hamchow 90.15 95.8%
kyle_w 90.12 90.3%
st4ycl4ssy 89.43 96.6%
user90997 88.30 92.8%
kstap18 85.61 97.6%
adrianpb 84.04 90.3%
alausim 81.73 97.6%

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jrmquitless 81.11 93.2%
hamchow 90.15 95.8%
realfaker 49.10 98.1%