Derren Brown

This quote was added by chrispowell2012
There will always be liars, swindlers and charlatans. Hopefully there will always be modern day Houdinis and seekers of the truth, snapping at their heels and seeking the truth.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
kaiserpfeffer 159.42 98.3%
lome 155.92 100%
typin_ 146.75 96.2%
user37933 144.91 100%
jhwang89 133.00 98.3%
user40438 126.20 100%
ilovejujubee 125.39 100%
frostmore52 123.22 97.8%
derevon 120.93 100%

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elomenopi 68.00 91.2%
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js88 64.31 94.1%
andres_zeledon 50.45 88.9%
kaiserpfeffer 159.42 98.3%
ferocious 25.55 77.1%
user109926 102.37 98.9%
rrapattoni 105.96 98.3%