Doin' What Comes Naturally

This quote was added by delphisdaughter
You don't have to know how to read or write when you're out with a fella in the pale moonlight. You don't have to look in a book to find what he thinks of the moon or what is on his mind. That comes naturally.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
jppc 103.51 95.4%
peachflavoredrings 100.91 97.2%
avattavada 95.00 94.6%
stevendiao 94.09 95.9%
shaikkamarul 91.08 100%
delphisdaughter 74.81 98.6%
sennen 65.32 100%

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Name WPM Accuracy
peachflavoredrings 100.91 97.2%
avattavada 95.00 94.6%
delphisdaughter 74.81 98.6%
jppc 103.51 95.4%
stevendiao 94.09 95.9%
shaikkamarul 91.08 100%
sennen 65.32 100%