Boiling Water - Louis Lavoie

This quote was added by swolchuck
You cannot see your reflection in boiling water. Similarly, you cannot see the truth in a state of anger. When the waters calm that is when clarity comes.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 177.59 94.5%
user551793 140.59 95.7%
bmcgoo 112.49 97.5%
typefighter 100.40 98.7%
swolchuck 91.15 99.4%
ashrosetta15 80.71 94.5%
junda 76.84 98.1%
jknguia 70.45 89.5%
kobo 63.01 88.5%
nazim059 32.12 96.3%

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Name WPM Accuracy
swolchuck 91.15 99.4%
user871724 177.59 94.5%
typefighter 100.40 98.7%
nazim059 32.12 96.3%
swolchuck 71.54 93.9%
jknguia 70.45 89.5%
kobo 63.01 88.5%
user551793 140.59 95.7%