Hex Appeal - Raven Storms

This quote was added by kait999
I'd been searching for years for unconditional love, not realizing that the only one that mattered was me. Nothing else mattered except my love for myself.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
dcb87 124.42 98.7%
npabs 111.24 96.9%
ockock 94.15 92.8%
magesh 92.19 93.4%
clickclackm00 88.81 93.9%
kait999 85.02 100%
the_hornburg 75.65 94.5%
joshsalita30 68.81 95.1%

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Name WPM Accuracy
dcb87 124.42 98.7%
kait999 59.65 85.2%
kait999 64.42 91.2%
ockock 94.15 92.8%
kait999 66.24 91.7%
npabs 111.24 96.9%
kait999 60.54 88.6%
kait999 71.19 95.7%