Change - Blind Melon

This quote was added by ajmaher19
And when you feel like life ain't worth living, you've got to stand up and take a look around, and you look up way to the sky. And when your deepest thoughts are broken, keep on dreaming boy, 'cause when you stop dreaming it's time to die.

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Name WPM Accuracy
vmlm 128.08 98.0%
dcb87 123.62 98.8%
strikeemblem 115.41 95.6%
meowcatmary 113.61 100%
derpqwerty 96.50 98.0%
thecrazydane2 84.44 92.6%
jules831 79.70 96.0%
ajmaher19 78.34 86.0%
user107982 66.84 94.5%
charliegjune 63.15 95.6%

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Name WPM Accuracy
charliegjune 63.15 95.6%
vmlm 128.08 98.0%
dcampolongo12 7.07 90.2%
jules831 79.70 96.0%
dcb87 123.62 98.8%
meowcatmary 113.61 100%
ajmaher19 78.34 86.0%
derpqwerty 96.50 98.0%