Text and stuff - MariChristine

This quote was added by user108042
My Word documents just keep climbing in numbers. I'm at document #50 now. I've tried to change it, but nothing seems to work. So, I'll keep the count going up and up. I also like a short snippet of text to type really fast to build up my WPM. These were two different subjects, but this site won't accept a quote with two paragraphs, so I did not hit the enter key after the word "up."

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Name WPM Accuracy
user843630 71.86 95.1%
user866037 61.19 89.4%
user108042 42.08 86.1%
suru 34.37 91.0%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user108042 42.08 86.1%
suru 34.37 91.0%
user866037 61.19 89.4%
user843630 71.86 95.1%