Irresponsible - Kiana Ledé

This quote was added by user108157
I dove in blind, took a chance on us. Gave my trust, so in love. And it's difficult for me to open up, you were someone I thought was careful with me. Instead you left me in pieces... If this ain't where you wanted to be, you should've at least, manned up and just let me be...

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typin_ 167.76 95.8%
bweeta 103.45 97.2%
mgreen22097 103.31 98.9%
user108157 96.58 95.2%
donoshea 88.89 92.6%
sarahhyz 83.98 94.9%
clickclackm00 83.23 93.6%
antennae 77.87 98.6%
jules831 63.27 92.4%
doortonowhere 45.53 85.3%

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Name WPM Accuracy
mgreen22097 103.31 98.9%
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typin_ 167.76 95.8%
doortonowhere 45.53 85.3%
bweeta 103.45 97.2%
regina_kelly 45.11 99.3%