Stars and Smoke - Marie Lu

This quote was added by milli
Let yourself think bravely, Winter Young. You may presume that you belong in the spotlight and I operate in a secret world, but perhaps we exist in the same place.

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madamebutterfly 119.42 100%
lienlinnn 107.80 97.0%
milli 104.60 100%
clickclackm00 89.45 94.8%
nobleinfantry 87.13 100%
afminto 84.23 92.1%
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the_hornburg 81.91 98.8%
user453101 79.36 94.2%
user105008 78.78 96.4%

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user105008 78.78 96.4%
user99861 44.17 93.2%
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