When Typing... - Advanced Typist

This quote was added by user821020
When going through your typing journey, remember to reward yourself whenever you get a high score. Don't strain yourself. Focus on efficient practice that really matters. Fix your weak spots instead of drilling test after test. Work on your accuracy. But most important of all, treat typing like art, a skill that's fun to show off, and more fun to engage in.

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
iltranscendent 115.42 97.0%
kyle_w 110.69 96.2%
ldbright 110.64 96.0%
m_murasaki 98.27 97.3%
user91712 97.21 96.8%
topskies 94.86 87.6%
tamoney 91.80 97.8%
vamshivjkrsna 84.04 95.0%
jellyvanessa 81.78 89.1%
youdontwantokno 80.23 97.3%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
vittoria08 48.54 96.0%
lala25 40.72 95.2%
kyle_w 110.69 96.2%
youdontwantokno 80.23 97.3%
user99861 42.89 92.6%
user110315 48.24 93.0%
user109942 29.15 87.9%
achieve 40.76 95.5%