What is Winning - Keaston Dahn

This quote was added by kdahn12
Winning at life is a multifaceted endeavor that goes beyond mere external achievements. It involves finding purpose, balance, and personal growth in every aspect of our existence.

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kdahn12 1 month, 2 weeks ago
I love this quote thank you!!!!!!

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Name WPM Accuracy
bigboi99 102.66 92.7%
kicko 83.03 89.9%
shaikkamarul 70.45 94.2%
kdahn12 63.53 94.7%
user430679 63.07 92.7%
reamerton 61.10 91.8%
maadj 60.91 90.9%
kris10 58.21 97.3%
user358066 57.44 97.3%
depressedmango14 57.14 92.3%

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bigboi99 102.66 92.7%
kris10 58.21 97.3%
depressedmango14 57.14 92.3%