Numbers - SomeGuy

This quote was added by someguy29
What about numbers like 327? There are 1 or 2 quotes that have numbers. When quotes have big numbers like 784,240, I always mess up. These quotes with numbers in them, mess up my accuracy and WPM. To increase my accuracy and speed, I have to learn to type numbers. Well, I hope you don't dislike these 3 or 5 quotes with numbers that pop up like I do!

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
strikeemblem 95.15 91.7%
user90997 71.44 86.9%
user106985 68.26 89.1%
nightfusion 59.77 92.6%
someguy29 50.19 95.1%
lynyhq 39.76 94.1%
tombingps 32.93 96.2%
bvw 32.88 95.1%
tarunkalyan01 28.01 96.7%
sunder 20.98 85.1%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
someguy29 38.74 89.3%
someguy29 50.19 95.1%
strikeemblem 95.15 91.7%
user106985 68.26 89.1%
nightfusion 59.77 92.6%
lynyhq 39.76 94.1%
bvw 32.88 95.1%
tarunkalyan01 28.01 96.7%