Lost One (Heavily Abridged) - Tablo

This quote was added by _kookie
My child, when you follow, I leave my footsteps here for you. Steer clear of them. Now that I've run to the very end, I see that there's nothing I was looking for. I ran down this path for my family, only to have it take my father's life. Even if everyone welcomes you, they will abandon you. Even when they roll out the red carpet for you, don't forget it has turned red from your blood and sweat. I lost one too many things. Whatever you wish to become, I'll applaud you. Just don't end up like me.

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_kookie 9 months, 1 week ago
Absolutely banger song with banger lyrics advising trainees in the entertainment industry to take heed of the dangers that lie within.
You can find the original lyrics here: https://genius.com/Genius-english-translations-epik-high-lost-one-english-translation-lyrics

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