Haruki Murakami

This quote was added by raja801

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
user963475 8.00 36.5%
user930022 7.01 36.4%
user108469 0.95 28.7%
user473125 0.85 27.9%
sputype 0.83 35.1%
user645325 0.00 27.7%
john99876 0.00 22.3%
john99876 0.00 24.1%
john99876 0.00 28.2%
user105268 0.00 15.9%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
aki_honmono 0.00 27.0%
toshiwa42 0.00 17.1%
sputype 0.83 35.1%
user108469 0.00 18.2%
user108469 0.95 28.7%
user105268 0.00 14.4%
user105268 0.00 19.2%
user105268 0.00 15.9%