A Quote About A Quote - Blue Yota

This quote was added by avrgcodr
Has anyone else only just now realized that they are typing someone else's quote? I've been wasting time typing on this site off and on for months now and only just today did I realize that I'm not typing a famous work. I guess I played too much TypeRacer...

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Name WPM Accuracy
strikeemblem 126.55 96.6%
space_cadet 122.17 99.6%
bweeta 109.16 99.2%
clonedcow 105.66 99.2%
user83344 102.71 99.2%
user104405 97.84 97.7%
peachflavoredrings 92.20 95.2%
guinessbook1 88.46 95.6%
user93811 87.36 93.8%
user90997 87.21 90.6%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user104405 97.84 97.7%
user104995 41.92 91.8%
strikeemblem 126.55 96.6%
guinessbook1 88.46 95.6%
user83344 102.71 99.2%
user93811 87.36 93.8%
crystalkb 37.25 89.5%
jena83 62.94 94.5%