Totally - Inhaler

This quote was added by nadinestfu
If I could, I would take full control of it all. You know you don't even mean that much, so why can't I just let go? Tell me why? Maybe I'll never know.

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typin_ 185.16 100%
user871724 162.02 96.2%
user491757 145.05 100%
rpendleton 132.60 89.2%
rivendellis 127.22 98.1%
user381085 125.59 98.7%
lynchrobinson 123.30 98.7%
strikeemblem 122.42 97.4%
dark_alpha 120.97 100%
kyle_w 118.71 95.6%

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thecrazydane2 81.10 95.1%
user349973 87.10 96.2%
ladytzyion 48.70 95.0%