Keyboard cover - Isaac

This quote was added by isaacnoteyesack
The keyboard cover is not a good way to type. It makes people make many mistakes and people no matter what, look at the keyboard when typing. The keyboard cover is the spawn of all evil. Why do people use it to help learn typing.

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user931959 9 months, 1 week ago
Assuming you mean a cover to block your view of the keyboard, I think the point is to stop you from looking at the keyboard, once you learn touch typing you never look a the keyboard while typing, it's a lot of work but I recommend learning it if you want to type faster, it will be slower initially while you are learning though.

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user949982 102.14 99.6%
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user106152 80.24 95.4%
user108700 68.75 97.0%

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user86496 87.24 98.7%
sadikul_hannan 50.36 97.4%
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