Why - Jamie

This quote was added by jamierh84
Why is this so addicting? Sometimes I will be typing at a great speed and I think I can go faster so I try to keep going but my fingers just keep hitting the wrong keys. This makes me not want to quit till I hit my high score again. Then I think I better stop and take a break or its only going to get worse.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 147.40 97.8%
npabs 115.44 98.1%
tjapit 112.35 98.7%
jezpher 108.72 95.1%
user108245 98.79 96.0%
m_murasaki 97.33 100%
dante-didit 92.26 91.7%
user949982 91.48 94.2%
grnsarma 78.40 97.5%
awii 77.03 99.0%

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Name WPM Accuracy
jamierh84 49.13 97.8%
dante-didit 92.26 91.7%
user109145 38.27 88.8%
jezpher 108.72 95.1%
npabs 115.44 98.1%
user949982 91.48 94.2%
tjapit 112.35 98.7%
user108245 98.79 96.0%