So B. It - Sarah Weeks

This quote was added by hiiiiiiiiii2543
Another thing I found out right around that same time is that not knowing something doesn't mean you're stupid. All it means is that there's still room left to wonder.

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kheng 1 year, 7 months ago
Thanks for giving me chance to break my high score on 132 WPM on this quote, my previous high score was 116WPM

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 199.96 100%
user401321 171.43 97.7%
user381085 167.83 100%
venerated 165.96 99.4%
user491757 163.74 98.8%
feuv 160.18 100%
user291759 155.70 100%
km172123 155.53 100%
toinfinity 155.47 96.6%
seantype2510 154.39 100%

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Name WPM Accuracy
kobo 73.87 89.8%
theking 116.18 94.9%
kobo 77.44 91.8%
kefshinuser726005 71.55 95.4%
user98713 54.24 92.3%
raintr33 88.26 100%
thecrazydane2 85.95 94.9%
strikeemblem 132.80 99.4%