Pain for the game - Pierre R. Craan

This quote was added by pie4u2
He, it's me and only me, can you stop playing with my mind, and leave me alone. You are only the fastest of the writers if and only if you can develop a true story with meaning, and it can inspire everyone in the room. I am working on my writing skills and my English vocabulary to improve not only my writing but also my insignificant life.

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hololivefan 155.62 100%
johnymaccarroni 153.95 97.2%
user871724 147.78 97.7%
characteristicx 127.68 99.1%
strikeemblem 125.38 95.3%
2001or2 121.43 91.7%
trishadgk 121.18 96.3%
rivendellis 120.07 96.3%
theprivateeye 117.84 95.0%
mafuso 115.59 98.6%

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kampo 53.81 91.0%
slaughtermelon 85.46 97.4%
ticalaking 91.82 91.4%