3 outfits - Tai Verdes

This quote was added by mojojojofrojo
I need at least 3 kisses from you in the morning. While you're yawning. You're so good at that, baby, you could be a drawing. You some artwork, more than I'm worth. And everybody ever living on this big blue earth.

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2001or2 145.65 96.4%
iltranscendent 145.03 100%
strikeemblem 115.02 97.7%
jgdude 107.07 96.8%
sungookee 96.14 93.5%
falsesu 96.11 99.5%
spiritowl 94.59 99.5%
hamchow 93.63 96.4%
rrapattoni 91.86 96.8%
algo 90.63 96.0%

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azanmushtaq 77.79 99.1%
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rrapattoni 91.86 96.8%
user108031 43.99 91.6%
adriana-b 58.04 93.5%
algo 90.63 96.0%