The Thin Ice - Roger Waters

This quote was added by user551566
Don't be surprised when a crack in the ice appears under your feet. You slip out of your depth and out of your mind. With your fear flowing out behind you as you claw the thin ice.

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typin_ 194.05 98.9%
user871724 182.48 98.4%
restspeaker 170.96 100%
user474117 162.21 99.4%
user491757 156.02 100%
oivee 151.40 99.5%
jiggalee 151.09 96.8%
laura10 150.29 100%
venerated 149.90 100%
user975182 149.22 95.3%

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rrapattoni 95.21 95.2%
jpurvis00 69.59 94.2%
jds21265 67.98 95.3%